
      2020年3月,李鹤成教授团队的前瞻性临床研究结果“Methods for Dissecting Intersegmental Planes in Segmentectomy:A Randomized Controlled Trial”在国际胸外科届权威期刊、美国胸外科医师协会官方杂志《Annals of Thoracic Surgery》在线发表。本文通讯作者为上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院胸外科李鹤成教授,陈醒狮博士和金润森博士为本研究的共同第一作者。





      本研究原计划入组136例,但由于中期检查时两组间并发症发生率相差过大提前终止,终止前入组了自2017年6月至2018年3月间在瑞金医院胸外科接受肺段切除术的70例病例。最终有65例纳入分析,其中切割缝合器组33例,电刀组32例。两组在性别、年龄、吸烟史、ASA评分、肿瘤位置等基线数据上均无明显差异。对比两组的围手术期数据,结果显示切割缝合器组的术后并发症发生率显著低于电刀组(2/33, 6.1% vs 11/32, 34.4%, P =0.004)。




Background  The perioperative outcomes of using stapling devices versus electrocautery to dissect intersegmental planes in patients undergoing segmentectomy for small pulmonary lesions is still unclear. The aim of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) was to compare the perioperative outcomes of these two methods.

Methods  A single-center, prospective, participant-blinded, randomized controlled trial (NCT03192904) was conducted with a preplanned sample size of 136. The primary outcome was the incidence of postoperative complications. Secondary outcomes included duration of surgery, blood loss during surgery, first day drainage volume, duration of drainage, postoperative hospital stay, loss of lung function and medical costs.

Results The trial was stopped early due to a marked difference in the primary outcome between groups at a scheduled interim check of the data after recruiting 70 patients. The incidence of postoperative complications (e.g., air leakage etc.) was higher in the electrocautery group than in the stapler device group (11/32, 34.4% vs. 2/33, 6.1%, p = 0.004). There were no differences in surgery duration, blood loss during surgery, first day drainage volume, duration of drainage, postoperative hospital stays, loss of lung function, or total medical cost, although the per-patient cost of medical materials was higher in the stapler device group (4214.6 ± 1185.4 USD vs 3260.1 ± 852.6 USD, p < 0.001).

Conclusions Among patients undergoing segmentectomy, the use of stapler devices to divide intersegmental planes decreased postoperative complications without further compromising lung function or increasing economic burden.



李鹤成  主任医师,博士生导师,瑞金医院胸外科科主任,美国外科学院成员(FACS),中华医学会胸心血管外科分会委员,中国医师协会胸外科医师分会委员,上海市医师协会胸外科医师分会副会长,中国医师协会机器人外科医师分会常委,中国抗癌协会腔镜与机器人外科分会常委,擅长以微创手术为主的肺癌、食管或贲门癌、纵隔肿瘤、胸膜肿瘤等胸部疾病的综合治疗。研究方向:肺癌、食管癌及胸腺瘤的临床与基础研究。


陈醒狮  医学博士,毕业于上海交通大学医学院临床医学八年制,导师为瑞金医院胸外科李鹤成教授。研究方向:肺癌、食管癌的临床与基础转化研究。


金润森  医学博士,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院主治医师。主要从事胸部肿瘤微创外科治疗的临床研究与非小细胞肺癌发生发展及分子靶向治疗的基础研究。
